Important Legal Information
To access the client portion of the DRMSQC™ website you must review the following legal information and disclaimer.
By proceeding you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms set forth below. You agree that these terms apply each time you access the website by agreeing to this form.
A username and password are required to access the client section of this website. Although MetaSource will take reasonable security precautions, each client is responsible for use of the data obtained using such passwords. MetaSource owns the data and images and is making the data and images available to clients strictly for client convenience. Therefore, MetaSource reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit or eliminate access to the data and images or charge a fee for access. MetaSource disclaims any liability for interception by third parties of any such data and shall not be responsible for and makes no warranties regarding the access, speed, or availability of Internet or network services. MetaSource also disclaims any liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the documents by third parties who have obtained such information from any employee or agent of your company, or any former employee or agent. MetaSource makes no representation or warranties express or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose in respect of MetaSource’s electronic services, other than the warranties provided in the previously executed service agreement. By pressing ‘I Agree’ on this page, you will be consenting to the transmission of such documents by electronic means. By accessing the client portion of the MetaSource website, you agree to the terms stated above, including all legal disclaimers.